Sunday, February 26, 2012

Weekend in Nice and Monaco: Part 1

So, yes, I went to Nice and Monaco last weekend and it was fantastic. Nice is nice. (Okay guys, you had to know that was coming. It was inevitable.) The weather was absolutely beautiful, which made a lovely change from all of the cold weather we've been having. Thankfully, it has warmed up a great deal this week. Anyway, enough about the weather.

The Mediterranean!

And me in front of the Mediterranean and a curious French lady.

Lemon and orange trees sold at the market. They were everywhere.

You can really tell that we are right next to the ocean. Can you see the eel in the bottom left hand corner?

The weather was amazing. It was so strange to see palm trees and people in t-shirts and then remember that it's February.

Yes, a man in a Speedo in February. France is crazy.

Lunch on the beach.

And this is what was left when I was finished. I fear my slim, girlish figure will be completely gone by the time I get home. Oh well!

And here is a beautiful view of Nice.

This is the Baie d'Anges, or Bay of Angels.

After seeing the beautiful views, a spot of gelato was in order. Dr. Bonin, if you are reading, they do have mint chocolate chip ice cream in France. And it is delicious.

Our reason for coming to Nice was to see the parade for Carnivale. Today was the Bataille de Fleurs, where all of the floats were made of flowers and they threw flowers at us.

Like that.

There were many scantily clad women there.

This truck/float thing broke down right in front of us. See all the smoke? The people on top contented themselves with throwing confetti at everyone.

And at this point, my camera started complaining about the battery being low. I had forgotten to charge it before we left. Silly me. Never fear, there are still plenty of pictures of Monaco to come. After the parade, we hopped back in the bus and drove to Montecarlo, checked into our hotel and had a lovely dinner. I had had a very long day so I promptly went to sleep afterwards. Next time: actual pictures of Monaco!

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