Thursday, January 19, 2012

Not Yet Dead

I think that, once one gets over the fear that the plane will crash into the ocean and everyone will die a horrible, cold, soggy death, flying is quite fun. (I am aware that the previous sentence is pretty mangled, but then so is my brain from lack of sleep, so I'll let it slide.)

So, to get to Provence, I left from Newark airport to Frankfurt and then took a connecting flight to Marseilles. On the way there I talked to a man who was visiting his brother in Saudi Arabia, who was turning 50. I did manage to get a bit of sleep. Unfortunately, some genius at United Airlines came up with the fantastic idea of making the little television in your headrest a touchscreen. They also were kind enough to include games, like Solitaire that you can play. What a modern way of amusing yourself! They neglected to take into account the fact that that means that some idiot is going to be poking the back of your seat while you are trying to sleep.

When I departed from Frankfurt to Marseilles, the airline gave us these adorable little breakfast packs. It was vanilla and honey flavored muesli with milk that tasted sort of yoghurty. With tea, it was excellent.

We flew over Europe and saw some fantastic mountain ranges. The sun had just risen, so it was quite bright. Nevertheless, I certainly enjoyed the view. We arrived in the Marseilles airport, passing over the bay, which was just magnificent. There was a small island in the middle, with what looked like a yacht harbor.

It was amazing. One of the things I love about air travel is the way things look so tiny from above. You can find a whole new perspective on things when you look at them from a different angle.

So yes, I have moved into my accommodations, which are tiny and old but have wifi, so I am happy. We had Orientation today and will have the placement test tomorrow. I think I am still fairly jetlagged, so I will stop now, rather than risk slipping into incoherence.


  1. ooooh I love plane pictures!

    (so that's how you spell yogurt......)

  2. I think my brain unconsciously spelled it that way just to mess with you.
