Monday, January 30, 2012

In Which Charlotte Talks of Laundry and Food

I did laundry today. (Yes, yes, hold the applause) The washing machines are not terribly different here, but the dryers are. That is, they are not here. Apparently, Europeans don't really use dryers, preferring to let their clothes air dry. Unfortunately, my host mom does not appear to have a clothes line, so I had to content myself with draping my wet clothes over all the radiators in the apartment. My room is currently festooned with socks and underwear. (I briefly considered taking a picture to illustrate this, but quickly reconsidered. It is highly doubtful my readers are interested in seeing my unmentionables.)

Last night, my housemate and I made chili and it turned out surprisingly delicious. You should be proud of me friends, as this chili contains a few tablespoons of cayenne pepper, and yet I tolerated it. Weirdly enough, kidney beans are nigh impossible to find here. After trying two large supermarkets, I finally unearthed a few cans at a tiny ethnic grocery store. Am I the only one who thinks that that is a little weird? I thought beans were a staple in one's diet! Apparently not the French one, though.

As storage containers are in short supply, I had leftover chili for lunch today, with couscous and again for dinner, with a potato and peas.

For dessert, I indulged in a chocolate pot and a banana.
Let me tell you, those chocolate pots are rich. I was expecting some sort of weak chocolatey pudding, but oh no. I checked the ingredients list.

That's right: 55% whole milk, 12% creme fraiche and 10.5% fresh eggs. Not a monosaturated wotsit in sight. This is France.


  1. Yeah, well, I guess now I know why all the Americans on my floor (in the dorm) begged me to send chocolate from Europe.

    Hm ... about the dryers. We do have one at home, but we only use it in "oh-my-god-a-have-to-wear-this-today" emergencies. My mum actually hangs the laundry (of six people) on the Balkony, in the summer- naturally, but also during the winter. You would be suprised how much money you safe in terms of electricity bills.

    And by the way, I think you are awesome - cooking I mean. I terribly miss the Cafeteria at Widener. I hate Cooking. My roomie always cooks and I do the dishes afterwards ...

    Greetings from the Greifswaldian Library

    1. European chocolate is amazing. I actually brought a bar of chocolate from home (in case there was an emergency), but I feel silly now, because whatever I can get here is infinitely superior.

      Yeah, I think that is why my hostmom doesn't have a dryer-- to save money on electricity. Plus, there isn't really any space for one.

      Thank you! I rather enjoy cooking, as a matter of fact. It's just weird to have to do it all myself, haha. That, and I live in fear of making mistakes, because if it comes out weird, I still have to eat it.

  2. I like air drying my clothes better too. A lot of places do that instead of dryers. Maybe you can buy some rope and make your own clothes line system!

    Aaaahhhhh keep talking about your food, it makes me simultaneously hungry and jealous which is good! haha. What exactly is a chocolate pot? Is that like chocolate pudding?

    1. Yeah, I don't mind air drying my clothes, it's just annoying with small fiddly things like socks.

      Good! I will continue to talk about food, so prepare yourself (and your stomach). It's basically a chocolate pudding, just thicker and creamier and made with actual ingredients, haha.

  3. Haha, that pot sounds intense! and scrumptious :)
